Welcome to Freedom Baptist Church!
Welcome to Freedom Baptist Church!
Sunday Morning @ 10 AM
We are a family of believers who love Jesus and love people. Come and be a part of what God is doing here.
We want to be a church family for all who are weary and need rest, to all who mourn and long for comfort, to all who fail and desire strength, to all who sin and need a Savior: Freedom Baptist opens wide her doors with a welcome from Jesus, the friend of sinners. Pastor Vince and the rest of the church family would be honored to have you as our guest. We pray that you would find Freedom Baptist Church to be the perfect place to call your church home.
If you’re looking for a church home in the our area, you’ll love our church. Find out why and plan your visit here.
Babies through fifth grade kids get to experience Jesus in a safe, age-appropriate environment.
If you’re looking for a church home in the our area, you’ll love our church. Find out why and plan your visit here.
Freedom Baptist Church in Bloomington, Illinois is a family. Saving grace through Jesus Christ bonds us, and by His grace we grow closer to God and one another. The Bible speaks about iron sharpening iron. God has designed the local church to be a place to grow stronger together.
We strive to be a church without walls. Jesus calls for us to go outside the walls to reach the lost and the broken. It is there that the lost will be found.
We value the Word of God, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We look to share God's saving grace to all of the lost and broken, and lead those with no hope to find hope in Jesus Christ.
We would love to answer them!
2006 Fox Creek Rd. Blooomington, Illinois 61701
Worship Service, Kid's Church & Teen Class Sunday - 10 a.m.
Family Service Sunday - 5 p.m.
TEAM Youth Sunday - 6:15 p.m.
Bible Study and Prayer Wednesday - 7 p.m.
Parking is provided at the North and East side of the building. All of our parking spaces are convenient to the entry doors.
Children will be received into their Kid's Church program as you enter the lobby. They will enjoy songs, a lesson and a take home paper. We provide a friendly and safe environment.
During the worship service, there will be opportunities to sing hymns and gospel songs old and new together. Our worship style is traditional. There will be a short time of announcements and an offering plate is avaiblable on the clear table in the lobby for receiving financial gifts. The offering is an opportunity for our regular attenders to give towards the operating expenses and special programs of the church. Guests are welcome to give an offering, but should not feel obligated. A Bible message will be preached and the service will conclude with a song. Worship services are about one hour long
Ministries that are scheduled on our calendar or our regular church schedule are open to everyone. Just plan to attend. If you make your desire known on our connection card or speak to the pastor, someone will be sure to connect you with a person who can orientate you to any of our ministries.
We have numerous opportunities for service at Freedom Baptist. We would encourage to make your desire known on our connection card or share your interest with the pastor. You will be provided with opportunities and the necessary training if needed.